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She was born in Aguascalientes, Mexico. Graduated from the School of Visual Theater in Jerusalem. Her work includes performance, music, dance, video and voice. She has a strong interest in miscegenation among disciplines to create her own languages as each project demands. She has performed in forums such as the HaMazkeka concert hall, the International Performance Conference in Jerusalem (2015 and 2016), the ArtPort gallery and the Machsan # 2 theater in Tel Aviv, the museum of Contemporary Art ME in Aguascalientes. She collaborated as an actress and with some of the musical themes of the feature film "The Blue Years." Among her most recent projects are: "The Dinner", that was invited to the Lila López International Contemporary Dance Festival (2017) as well as in the Theater of the City Esperanza Iris in the city of Mexico (2018) and her latest work "Shipwreck: songbook for walking" (supported by PECDA 2017), which consist in a digital platform that converts walking tours into songs by programming. She participated as a musician along with the Optional Company at the Salmon-danse Festival in Barcelona and as a sound artist for the theater piece "The Siblings Dance" by Alondra Castellanos at the Festival ComeTogether #4 in Amsterdam (2019). Natalia is currently working on the solo performance "The importance of knowing how to do useless things". She is the soloist and composer of the alternative music project ANAN.

La importancia de saber hacer cosas inútiles (6)

La importancia de saber hacer cosas inútiles (6)

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